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A ThriveSphere provides new way to view and understand the intimacies of a couple's relationship as a living "complex adaptive system." The tool is a "reflectment", a structure for mutual "reflection" and conversation. It works like a mirror to increase awareness, giving voice to each individual's unique personal and relationship realities. Couples share their personal perceptions, explore connections, derive their own meaning, and create change together.

A ThriveSphere-Chart is:

A qualitative tool—not an assessment which would be used for analytic, diagnostic or predictive purposes

Self-validated by users

Sensitive to change

A map of present relationship and future possibilities

In addition, ThriveSphere is:

Short and quick—takes 15 to 20 minutes to complete

Accessible and convenient—partners go online to answer the ThriveSphere questions

Comprehensive—taps both process (how a couple relates) and content (what is going on) in a couple's life together

“I've never had as much satisfaction with any other instrument for couples.
I use it not as a diagnostic assessment, but as a self-revealing tool for discovery and meaningful couple conversation. Couples reveal important differences—primary conflicts beneficial for moving to resolution.”

Visual—offers the right-brain visualization of wholeness (shape and connections) with the left-brain attention to important details (individual nodes). Results are displayed on three separate sphere-charts. You literally "see the relationship" from his, hers, and their perspectives

Cost-effective—allows a couple to take ThriveSphere three different times within one year, at no additional charge for the tool itself, for one low price.

A ThriveSphere Chart (overlay) displays partners' ratings as:

Overall, unique shape—providing systemic insights and "wholesight"

Answers to 67 specific questions—
"nodal" positions around the sphere

Matches, gaps, and trends among partner responses

Clusters of related questions in "sectors"—based on the 7 dimensions the healthy marriage model—Collaborative Marriage

Patterns—significant inter-connections among nodes and sectors.

A couple can literally see their relationship as a system. ThriveSphere-Charts support:

Rich narrative dialogue


Solution-focused collaboration

Self-authoring couple changecouples choose where to improve their relationship

Growth promoting activity

With training, you will find that the graphic display on one page becomes an indispensable tool you can put to work quickly for your couples.